Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Self Appreciation [Random Thoughts]

It takes a lot to mold the character of someone into who they are now and it takes even more effort for them to get to a place where they are happy with whom they have become. People will never understand what it took to get you where you are or what you had to go through to get you to where you are and it’s understandable they never had to walk a mile in your shoes and face the challenges that molded you to become the person they see today. Most people come into the lives of people to CHANGE rather than seek to UNDERSTAND why that person is the way they are. If you would just dig deeper you would see the reason why that person is the way they are and why they do what they do, why they react the way they react and why they think the way they do. We are all a product of something we went through in life that carved into being the individual we are. People seek to change things which they do not understand. I have a story that made me who I am and it’s not a fairy-tale but it’s a story that birthed me and I am proud of the person I have become so you trying to change who I have become cause it doesn’t fit into your perfect world makes no sense to me. You can’t ask someone to fix something about themselves that they don’t see as broken. You only fix something about you that doesn’t work for you (hinders your progress and affects your relations with people) and hurts the other people not because it does not work for someone else. I was molded by life and experiences to become who I am now it took even more effort to get me to be happy with who I am, it took tears, it took lonely nights, it took hating myself, it took starving myself, it took loss of vision while still having sight, it took loosing myself, it took all those things to birth the person you see before you. I am not asking that you stay while you are unhappy, but I do ask that you leave me to appreciate myself and the person I have become because I know what it took to become self so even if I am the only person who appreciates and celebrates self, I will still appreciate and celebrate self!